Let Jenny Balding, Redken For MenConsultant, help you get the LeadingMen’s Red Carpet Looks:
Bradley Cooper’s Swept Back Style
Recommended Product: Redken For Men get groomed finishing cream
How to: Have hair slightly damp and work the cream into the hair using small amounts at a time. You can always add more product to the desired shine and control. This will give you that loosely pushed back effect off of the face.

Ryan Reynolds Laid-Back Waves
Recommended Product: Redken For Men clean spice conditioning shampoo and outplay texture putty
How to: Prep hair with Redken For Men’s new clean spice shampoo to moisturize and condition thicker locks to look healthy all night long. Apply outplay texture putty, a softer paste which will create that definition and texture but still looking slightly polished.

Zac Efron’s Multi-Textured Mane
Recommended Product: Redken For Men high rise hard wax
How-to: use a small amount of product in hands and rub together to loosen up the product with the heat from your hands. Apply hair in all directions, starting from the back. This will give that multi-textured finish that Zac Ephron sported on Sunday.